Comprehensive Plan 2024

Comprehensive Plan 2024

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan is a guidance document that sets goals, policies, and priorities for investing in the physical, economic, and environmental future of the Town. The Comprehensive Plan is both a vision for the future and a roadmap for how to achieve the vision. It provides direction to the Town Board for making decisions about improvements to town infrastructure, revising zoning regulations, allocating resources in the annual budget, and supports grant applications for high priority projects. A broad range of topics are addressed in the Comprehensive Plan, including for not limited to economic development, tourism, housing, climate change, infrastructure, land use, natural resources, recreation, and community services.

Why update the Comprehensive Plan?

The current comprehensive plan, called the Master Plan, was comleted in 1977. Much has changed over the past 45 years. The new Comprehensive Plan will provide a framework for achieving a community vision that is reflective of the current community conditions and builds on the progress that has been made to date.

How to get involved

Public engagement is an essential component of the planning process. There are several ways for residents, visitors, and business owners to learn about and provide input during the planning process. There will be a series of online surveys, public workshops, focus group meetings, and digital newsletters.

Community Input

The first Public Workshop was held on Thursday, January 11, 2024. If you were not able to attend this workshop in person, you may view the presentation materials by clicking on the links below. A summary report of the public input from this workshop is now available, along with the results of the townwide survey.

Public Workshop #1 Presentation Slides

Public Workshop #1 Boards and Maps

Draft Public Input Summary Report

Survey Summary Results

The second Public Workshop was held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. If you were unable to attend this workshop, you can review the proposed recommendations below and share your feedback using the online survey here.

Public Workshop #2 Boards

Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting Summaries

Kick-off Meeting Summary Notes

Meeting #2 Summary Notes

Meeting #3 Summary Notes

Meeting #4 Summary Notes

Meeting #5 Summary Notes


December 2023 Newsletter

February 2024 Newsletter

May 2024 Newsletter

Project Documents & Reports

DRAFT Community Profile – 1/31/24

Plan Maps

Past Planning Efforts

Summary Report: Review of Existing Local and Regional Planning Efforts and Ongoing Initiatives

Townwide Revitalization Strategy (2018)

Tourism Destination Master Plan (2009)

Schroon Lake Route 9 Corridor Study (1989)

1977 Town of Schroon Master Plan

Town of Schroon Zoning Ordinance (1971)

Schroon Lake Watershed Management Plan (2010)

Schroon Lake Watershed Management Plan Addendum (2019)