
Town of Schroon Assessors

Board of Assessors

Kevin Doherty, Chairperson

Neil Chippendale, Assessor

Joy Koch, Assessor

Contact Information
Phone : 518-532-7737 ext. 14
Email :
Office Hours
Monday 9-3

Tuesday 9-3

Thursday 1-3

School Tax Relief (STAR) Program

As of April 1, 2016, the STAR program has been restructured and the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has taken over the registration of new homeowners who wish to register for the STAR or Enhanced STAR. Your local Assessor no longer register new homeowners for this program. The Basic STAR is available for all NY homeowners who reside in their home as their primary residence. The Enhanced STAR is a larger discount for seniors 65 or older who meet the income limits as prescribed by the State. These programs no longer discount the school tax the amount off the school tax bills, rather the State will now issue refund checks in the amount of the exemption. In order to register for either STAR programs, the homeowner needs to register with the New York State Department of Taxation.  You can either register on-line at or by calling them at (518) 457-2036. Online registration is easy and only takes a few minutes. If you call to register, be sure to ask about the Enhanced STAR if you’re 65 or older. For other questions or concerns pertaining to the STAR program call their hotline at (518) 457-2036.

STAR Registration Information

Contesting Your Assessment in New York State

Complaint on Real Property Assessment (Grievance)

Grievance Form Instructions

Other assessment exemption applications and forms

Information about the Town of Schroon Final Assessment and Tax Rolls can be found under the Bulletin Board or Forms section of the main navigation menu at the top of the page.