Notices of Public Interest

Notices of Public Interest – Legal Notices

Notice of Public Hearing

The Comprehensive Plan

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Schroon will hold a public hearing on March 13, 2025, beginning at 5:30 P.M. at Schroon Lake Town Hall, 15 Leland Ave, Schroon Lake, NY.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that this public hearing is to present the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan to the public.


TAKE NOTICE that I, Erica D. Hedden, The Undersigned Collector of Taxes of the Town of Schroon, County of Essex, and State of New York, have duly received the tax roll and warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Schroon for the year 2025, and that I will attend at the Schroon Town Hall, 15 Leland Ave from January 2, 2025 to April 30, 2025, for receiving the taxes listed on the said roll. In-person payment hours will be Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, other times by appointment. Payments may be made, online, by mail or in person.

 TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that interest rates to be applied to unpaid taxes for 2025 are: taxes paid in January 0%; taxes paid in February 1%; taxes paid in March 2%; and taxes paid in April 3%; and

 TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that New York State Real Property Tax Law now requires a second/delinquent tax notice is sent to property owners who have not paid taxes, thirty (30) days, prior to the taxes being turned back to the Essex County Treasurer. An additional $2.00 is then charged on each parcel for each notice sent.

Erica D. Hedden

Tax Collector

Town of Schroon, NY

